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Wax Moths, friend or foe?


Sometimes experiencing, first hand, nature at work gives us a greater understanding of how everything has its place in this world. Here we are talking the Wax Moth, viewed by many as a pest. This is a follow up from a blog I wrote at the beginning of the year.

An Eco Tree Hive that had previously been occupied by a busy colony, for some reason, absconded in August 23. When I removed the lower hatch in March 24 I expected to find an empty comb structure or even a load of dead bees. To my amazement it was completely devoid of any comb whatsoever and was instead littered with the remnants of a wax moth infestation. Not the prettiest of sights.

The normal inclination is to clean the hive out, scrapping, burning or even disinfecting to prepare it for a new swarm. But this doesn't happen out there in the real world. In essence the WAX MOTH has already done that.

I tipped the debris resting on the hatch floor and then put it back in position. I didn't even put in a piece of fresh comb or dab with lemongrass oil to help attract another swarm. I just left to see what would happen.

Low and behold a swarm took up residence in May 24 and had almost completely filled the cavity with a fresh comb structure (45cm deep) by Sept 24. Note there is a lovely coating of propolis on the edge of the lower combs. A very healthy looking colony and particularly dark bees too.

Maybe standing back for a moment and letting nature take its course is the best option instead of interfering too much.



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